The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D (World Edition) Review

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The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D offers a fresh take on a beloved classic, reviving the enigmatic adventure of the original N64 release with updated visuals and refined mechanics. As a reimagining of the 2000 classic, this version ventures into the darker and more intricate realms of the Zelda universe. The 3D remake brings with it both nostalgia and novelty, blending the old with the new in a way that is as captivating as it is haunting.

The World of Termina

Set in the eerie world of Termina, Majora’s Mask 3D invites players to explore a land trapped in a relentless three-day cycle. Unlike the more traditional Zelda games, this entry in the series introduces a unique time mechanic that pushes players to make the most out of each day. This time loop creates a sense of urgency and adds a layer of strategy to the gameplay, as players must manage their time wisely to prevent the impending apocalypse.

Atmosphere and Setting

The game’s setting is one of its most striking features. The land of Termina is both bizarre and fascinating, populated with quirky characters and dark undertones. The updated graphics in the 3D version enhance the already atmospheric environments, making the world feel both immersive and unsettling. The vibrant, yet eerie atmosphere is accentuated by the hauntingly memorable soundtrack, which plays a crucial role in setting the tone.

Gameplay Mechanics

Majora’s Mask 3D preserves the core mechanics of the original but with notable improvements. The revised controls and enhanced graphics provide a smoother experience, allowing players to better immerse themselves in the intricate world. The central mechanic—managing time—remains as challenging as ever, requiring players to strategize their actions and utilize the various masks to their advantage. Each mask grants Link different abilities, adding depth to the gameplay and encouraging experimentation.

Graphics and Visuals

The graphical upgrade in the 3D version is immediately noticeable. The once pixelated textures have been replaced with smooth, detailed visuals that bring the world of Termina to life. The enhanced graphics do not just polish the aesthetic; they breathe new life into the environments and characters, making the game feel both nostalgic and modern. The 3D effects are subtle yet effective, adding a layer of depth to the exploration and combat.

Character Design

The characters in Majora’s Mask 3D are a mix of memorable and unsettling. The masks that Link wears to transform into different characters offer a creative twist on the gameplay. The visual updates ensure that each transformation is distinct and visually engaging. From the mask-wearing Link himself to the myriad of colorful NPCs, the character design benefits greatly from the enhanced graphics.

Sound and Music

The soundtrack of Majora’s Mask 3D remains as hauntingly beautiful as it was in the original. The music not only enhances the atmosphere but also plays a crucial role in the game’s mechanics. The time-based gameplay is closely tied to the soundtrack, with certain melodies influencing the flow of time and the actions of characters. The 3D version does justice to the original score, with high-quality sound that enriches the experience.

Voice Acting and Sound Effects

While Majora’s Mask 3D does not feature full voice acting, the sound effects and ambient noises are carefully crafted to enhance the game’s immersive quality. The subtle sounds of the world—from the ticking of the moon clock to the ambient background noises—contribute to the overall experience, making Termina feel alive and responsive.

Pros and Cons


  • Enhanced Graphics: The updated visuals offer a more immersive experience, bringing the world of Termina to life with smooth textures and detailed environments.
  • Improved Controls: The revised controls make gameplay more fluid and accessible, improving on the original’s mechanics.
  • Engaging Time Mechanics: The time loop adds a unique layer of strategy and urgency to the gameplay, encouraging careful planning and exploration.
  • Memorable Music: The hauntingly beautiful soundtrack enhances the atmospheric quality of the game, making it a memorable auditory experience.


  • Complex Time Management: The time-based mechanics can be challenging and may require players to repeat certain sections, which might be frustrating for some.
  • No Voice Acting: The lack of full voice acting means that some character interactions may feel less dynamic compared to modern titles.
  • Dark Themes: The game’s darker themes and unsettling atmosphere might not appeal to everyone, particularly those looking for a lighter Zelda experience.


The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D successfully updates a classic adventure with enhanced graphics, refined gameplay mechanics, and a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack. The game maintains the unique charm and complexity of the original while offering a modernized experience that both new players and veterans can appreciate. Its distinctive time mechanics and atmospheric world make it a memorable entry in the Zelda series, proving that some classic adventures can benefit from a fresh coat of paint.

Whether you’re revisiting Termina or exploring it for the first time, Majora’s Mask 3D offers a compelling journey that stands out in the Zelda franchise. It’s a game that encourages exploration and strategic thinking, making it a worthy addition to any Zelda fan’s collection.

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Category: Games | October 2, 2023